Listing Broadcast-Receivers in Android with specific intents/permissions !!

Recently, for my MockSMS project (which creates local user-made fake SMS messages) I needed to list up all the SMS apps installed in user-device. I didn't know anything about how it can be done. I was totally unaware of it. Even, after some tries, I was just going to give up adding the feature to … Continue reading Listing Broadcast-Receivers in Android with specific intents/permissions !!

Wireless 802.11 System : Deauthentication Vulnerability

The IEEE 802.11 (WLAN) protocol contains the provision for a de-authentication frame. Sending the frame from the access point to a station is called a "sanctioned technique to inform a rogue station that they have been disconnected from the network". But, an attacker can send a wireless access point a de-authentication frame at any time, with … Continue reading Wireless 802.11 System : Deauthentication Vulnerability

How to make Broadcast Receiver run when my app is in background?

Google has deprecated registering Broadcast Receiver into manifest like this below from API Level 26+ ( Except Some ) <receiver android:name=".MyBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> But, If one wants to receive particular device state changes like Internet Connectivity Changes (Which isn't allowed) while the app is in background and if it's important for any feature of his application, … Continue reading How to make Broadcast Receiver run when my app is in background?